Vuex 是 Vue 中用於狀態管理的工具,你可以將每個頁面、元件都會用到的「狀態」(像是:登入的使用者資料),儲存在前端使用者的瀏覽器中。因為在頁面的切換中,並不會每次都向後端伺服器認證你的使用者訊息。若每個 .vue 檔案的狀態不能共用的話,在頁面切換時登入狀態就會被清除掉,讓使用者的體驗出現斷層。Vuex 就是用來解決這問題的工具,你只需要寫好會共用的方法在 Vuex 內,在每個 .vue 呼叫即可。
1. Store/index.js 的檔案內容
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// 1. 安裝 vue router and vuex npm i vue-router vuex // 2. 在 store/index.js 裡頭新增每個 .vue 檔案都會用到的方法,像是登入狀態 // state 為預設狀態;mutations 內放置前端登入後的儲存值;actions 放置每一個 .vue 所需要的認證方法 import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' import usersAPI from '../apis/users' Vue.use(Vuex) export default new Vuex.Store({ state: { currentUser: { id: -1, name: '', email: '', isAdmin: false }, isAuthenticated: false }, mutations: { setCurrentUser(state, currentUser) { state.currentUser = { ...state.currentUser, ...currentUser } state.isAuthenticated = true }, revokeAuthentication(state) { state.currentUser = {} state.isAuthenticated = false localStorage.removeItem('token') } }, actions: { async fetchCurrentUser({ commit }) { try { const { data, statusText } = await usersAPI.getCurrentUser() if (statusText !== 'OK') { throw new Error(statusText) } // change the state by commit and the response commit('setCurrentUser', { id: data.user.id, name: data.user.name, email: data.user.email, isAdmin: data.user.isAdmin }) return true } catch (err) { console.log('error', err) return false } } } }) |
2. SignIn.vue
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/* store token in localStorage */ localStorage.setItem("token", data.token); /* 將資料傳到 Vuex 中,這個對應 mutations 中的 setCurrentUser 方法 */ this.$store.commit("setCurrentUser", data.user); |
3. 在每個 .vue 中取用
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// 在每個 .vue 啟用 <script> import { mapState } from "vuex"; export default{ computed:{ ...mapState(["currentUser", "isAuthenticated"]) //取得state物件中的 currentUser 和 isAuthenticated } } </script> |
4. 路由權限設定
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import Vue from 'vue' import VueRouter from 'vue-router' import store from '../store' const authorizedAdmin = (to, from, next) => { const currentUser = store.state.currentUser if (currentUser && !currentUser.isAdmin) { next('/404') return } next() } const routes = [ ..., { path: '/admin/users', name: 'adminUsers', component: () => import('../views/AdminUsers'), beforeEnter: authorizedAdmin }, ... ] router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => { const tokenInStore = store.state.token const tokenInLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem('token') let isAuthenticated = store.state.isAuthenticated // compare the difference between the local and the store // if true, fetchCurrentUser if (tokenInLocalStorage && tokenInLocalStorage !== tokenInStore) { isAuthenticated = await store.dispatch('fetchCurrentUser') } // exclude signUp page const pathsWithoutAuthentication = ['signUp'] if (pathsWithoutAuthentication.includes(to.name)) { next() return } // if user is not authenticated, redirect to signin // signin page should be excluded! if (!isAuthenticated && to.name !== 'signIn') { next('/signin') return } next() }) export default router |
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