第二學期部分的 E-Commerce Start-up 逐堂筆記和研讀記錄。課程主要以 Workshop 的方式進行,將理論運用到現實的商業環境中,課程完成時需以:
1.(80%) 分組方式進行報告(Business Proposal & Presentation),設定對象為 Senior Management 層級的人士。
2.(20%) Individual Reflective Assessment,平時需撰寫 Journal 來了解自身對課程的理解程度。
名稱:E-Commerce Start-up
代碼:NBS8323, Newcastle University Business School
修習時間:Term 2, 2018~2019
講師:Dr Janette Young
Lecture 1
這是一堂結合商業思維和哲學的課。藉由訊息、點子的討論,解構既有的觀念,加上眾人的創造力。Every judgement and feedback is the precious resource that you can learn from.
For Entrepreneurial Journey:
Career, Market and personal factors (Wasserman, 2012)
Executing through the chaos – REFLECTING on OUTCOMES to determine what’s being done, and what needs to be done, what’s working and what needs to change (Freeman and Siegfried, 2015)
Strategic Road Map: to focus on challenging your mind. 時間為橫軸(短中長期目標);由大到小的細項規劃 (Concept, Vision-Value&Key, Goal, Strategic, Risk and Road Block)
Lewin/Kolb Learning Cycle (1984):
思考你關於線上服務(Online Services)的商業點子 (Business Idea),下週帶來和你的同組人員一起討論。
Lecture 2
Rigid on the edge~ As the beginning of organizations’ vision, everyone should find out their values (Individuals & Group).
Why do this? Because it shows the values which organizations own and promotes the products and services.
However, ‘money’ is a taboo due to the worse imagination.
每個人將 Business Ideas 寫在便條紙上後,貼到白板上和大家一起討論 – 可行性、未來性,進行腦力激盪。
Lecture 3
承接上個星期討論出來的商業點子,在課堂上運用 De Bono Six Hats Creative Thinking 來設想自目標對象的觀感。
White: the fact; Red: your feelings; Black: to be pessimistic; Yellow: to be optimistic; Green: to focus on alternatives; Blue: to focus on control and progression
2.試著去描繪你的TA長啥樣,他們的感受是什麼、對產品/服務的看法 – To see yourself through the eyes of your customers
試著運用 Business Model Canvas,來思辨可能的關鍵因素。
Lecture 4
進行 PESTEL, SWOT 分析,判斷競爭者、身處紅或藍海狀態。
Lecture 5
思考 Canvas 的 Value proposition 和 Customer Segment。將目標顧客的工作、能獲得的好處與痛苦,和你的產品服務、解法與創造的獲益做結合。
下週要進行4分鐘的發表,分享每組的商業模型(Business Model Canvas)。另外,需要開始著手進行網站的相關設計。命名、瀏覽流程、顏色、版面配置和內容都是網站能否發揮既有功能的關鍵。
Lecture 6
上台發表各組的 Business Canvas,試著接受潛在投資者(Instructor)、顧客的反應(Opinions from your classmates)。無論你喜不喜歡這些意見,都要對此表達感謝。因為這些能讓你的新創商業計畫更接近於真實。
Lecture 7
本週思考自身組別的商業價值(Business Value)究竟為何?要與品牌產生怎樣的連結?同時,也正式確定了品牌名稱,並以此為基礎,討論產品服務、網站配色、Logo等的設計。