[課程筆記] Competing with IT

第二學期部分的 Competing with IT 逐堂筆記和研讀記錄。了解 Information System & Information Technology (IS&IT)面對的機會、挑戰、風險,並進行 Case Study。
1. 構思可行的商業報告(既草稿) – 關於IT/IS 如何替顧客創造價值和提昇企業表現
2. 撰寫出完整的 1500*2 的商業報告


名稱:Competing with IT
代碼:NBS8263, Newcastle University Business School
修習時間:Term 2, 2018~2019
講師:Dr Rebecca Casey
1.Ward, John and Daniel Elizabeth (2006 or 2012) Benefits Management: delivering value from IS and IT investments. Wiley
2.Ashurst, Colin (2015) Competing with IT. Palgrave


Lecture 1

1.Creating value for customers or service users and improving organisational performance by exploiting ongoing innovation in IS / IT (Ward and Daniel, 2012)
2.Cloud, Social, Mobile and Analytics – key factors of business in future

Lecture 2 Benefits Management

Benefits management is composed of identification, definition, planning, tracking and realisation of business benefits. It is essential for an organization to delivery benefits.
不過,Business Manager 往往不認為 IT 有正面貢獻,也沒想到在 IT 上作改善、投資。
What is exactly a new approach – benefits management?
All IT projects have outcomes; however, not all outcomes are benefits.
The Process of Benefits Management & Key Qs to develop a plan
plan kindsplan step簡易流程:為什麼要改善→改善的目標→預期效果→可否測量與量化→誰要負責→影響對象→何時完成
驅動力分析 (Driver Analysis)

此時,你需要運用外部&內部分析,此類的工具很多,如PESTEL, SWOT, 5-Forces…等
competitive force step competitive force detailIS的效益組合一覽(Portfolio) – Competitive, Exploratory, Qualifying, Support
competitive force portfolio對於產品/服務/組織內部競爭力,也可以利用 Score Board 並套用 產品領先、操作卓越和貼近顧客 三個維度來評估。
competitive force dimensions除此之外,經營者還須思量改動程度 – 解決問題、維持現有成效、目標導向、創新改變

Benefits Dependency Network – Linking the ‘why’ to the ‘how’
而且,組織需要一份 realisation plan,具體化的操作步驟和細節。從需求出發(Demand-led),使眾人得以「參與」並簡單理解。

Lecture 3&4 Benefits Management

Benefits Dependency Network
1. 組織想要怎樣的利益,為什麼? – Drivers
2. 怎樣的方式、啟發點、面臨的挑戰驅使組織要這樣做?
benefit dependency network

Stakeholder Analysis
stakeholder analysis最後,訂出矩陣如下(需要變革的程度v.s.可能獲得的利益):
stakeholder analysis gridThe Business Case – to provide a structure
relationship benefit management

Lecture 5 by Antony & Andrzej from Motivat

The global rules are changing and the organisation’s mission is to enhance the engagement through digital solutions that increase motivation, participation and performance.

Lecture 6 Katie & Thomas from Linkedin

Linkedin mission: connect the world’s professionals to make them successful.
How to post great content on the platform?
Many types of posts including videos, photos, sharing – to provide professionals with the views and news (Editorial’s mission) 因此,它們雇用超過50位的專業編輯, for creating, curating, special projects and cultivate influential content. 迄今,每年有30%以上的觸及成長。

It is not just about tech – it’s about talent. – Content Ecosystem, speak their language, repetition (explain why, get buy-in and update frequently)

Macro Level Challenges in Managing Benefits:
1. Culture and make the difference
2. Benefit from Tech: it is difficult, but there is still a sweet spot. IT is a tool rather than rubbish.
Therefore, optimism bias mentions “forecast realistically”.

Ground Level Challenges in realistic Benefits:
1.People don’t care. – You are not amazing.
2.Better the devil you know. Change = risk

人是愛給予人幫助的,別小看 “Help me” 的力量 – ask one person, not a group.
Once someone has helped you, they’re tied into the success of what they’ve helped with.

Trust Equation: (Reliability+Credibility+Intimacy)/Self Interest

Lecture 7 by Michelle Hua – Founder of MadeWithGlove

Prototype & Agile Development,並描繪出可能的 Persona (Target Group)。
最難的是找出投資者(Investor),並面對許多的挑戰,NDA (保密協議)
女性的投資者和創業家非常稀少,比例大概為 1:9。

Lecture 8 Wardley Mapping – Recipients of benefit and context

Step 1: What is your purpose?
Step 2: What is the scope?
Step 3: Who are your users?
Step 4: What are their needs?
Step 5: What is the value chain?
Step 6: How evolved is each component in the value chain?
Step 7: Now what?

Lecture 9

Dynamic Capabilities – 企業動態能力(基於隱性知識,不易被文字化),指企業利用IT技術資源、組織資源和管理資源來獲得競爭優勢的能力。對於IT工作,其資產本身並不能提供超額的回報,但被合理應用於恰當的業務流程中時,就會穩步促進企業的發展,給企業帶來超額回報.
dynamic benefits

dynamic benefits capability


