筆記下 PHP 的迴圈使用相關介紹。
本篇範圍:Chapter 8 ( Loops in PHP ) ,一共有 10 篇
1. foreach 取 array 的時候,可以一口氣取出 key 和 value 兩個參數
2. do…while 的結尾,其中 while 要加上 ;
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<?php # while $count = 5; echo "Countdown!\n"; while ($count > -1) { echo $count . "\n"; $count--; } echo "Blastoff!\n\n"; # do...while $lights = "off"; do { echo "The lights are " . $lights . "\n"; if ($lights === "off") { $lights = "on"; } else { $lights = "off"; } } while ($lights === "on"); echo "\n"; # for $names = ["Ann", "Bob", "Cassidy", "Dave", "Ed"]; for ($index = 0; $index < count($names); $index+=2){ echo $names[$index] . "\n"; } echo "\n"; # foreach $properties = [ "temperature" => "cold", "weather" => "rainy", "sky" => "gray" ]; foreach ($properties as $key=>$value) { echo "The $key is $value.\n"; } echo "\n"; # break and continue # this skips printing Ann and will # stop execution after printing # Dave $names = ["Ann", "Bob", "Cassidy", "Dave", "Ed"]; for ($index = 0; $index < count($names); $index+=1){ if ($names[$index] == "Ann") { continue; } echo $names[$index] . "\n"; if ($names[$index] == "Dave") { break; } } |
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