一腳踏入軟體工程師寫 Code 的世界,不免俗地會碰上 Leetcode 的測驗,來測試你的溝通力、系統性地解決問題的能力和如何化抽象為具體。第一週的活動算是暖身階段,筆記下獲得到的重點,以及小試身手解個幾題。
課程對應章節:Week1 U1~U16
1. String, Array, Object, Map, Set, Linked-List, Stacks, Queues, Tree
2. 解決空間複雜度、更有效率的存放到電腦中,以節省空間
1. Search, Sort, Recursion, Greedy, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming
2. 藉由有效率的流程控制,讓執行速度得以提升
把一道題目刷到極致,是因應 LeetCode 早已超過千題的時代,所應具備的心態
第一回合:思考,試著用紙筆 → 實際撰寫 (約 0.5 ~ 1 hour / per ) → 試著重構看看 (約 0.5 ~ 1 hour / per )
LeetCode 題目
231. Power of Two
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/* * Runtime: 88 ms, faster than 92.14% of JavaScript online submissions for Power of Two. * Memory Usage: 39.9 MB, less than 67.07% of JavaScript online submissions for Power of Two. */ /** * @param {number} n * @return {boolean} */ var isPowerOfTwo = function(n) { if(n<=0) return false if(n === 1) return true if(n%2===1) return false while(n>=2 && n%2 === 0){ n = n / 2 if(n===1) return true if(!Number.isInteger(n)) return false } return false }; |
66. Plus One
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/* * Runtime: 80 ms, faster than 56.59% of JavaScript online submissions for Plus One. * Memory Usage: 38.7 MB, less than 27.46% of JavaScript online submissions for Plus One. */ /** * @param {number[]} digits * @return {number[]} */ var plusOne = function(digits) { let rawNumber = BigInt(digits.join("")) + 1n let plusOneArray = rawNumber.toString().split("").map(d=>Number(d)) let diffLength = digits.length - plusOneArray.length if(diffLength !== 0){ return [ ...Array.from({ length: diffLength }, () => 0 ), ... plusOneArray] }else{ return plusOneArray } }; |
1. Two Sum
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// 方法 I // 雙重迴圈,形同兩根指針,一個個遍歷後相加 // Runtime: 76 ms, faster than 90.96% of JavaScript online submissions for Two Sum. // Memory Usage: 38.7 MB, less than 84.01% of JavaScript online submissions for Two Sum. for(let i=0; i<nums.length-1;i++){ for(let j=i+1; j<nums.length;j++){ if(nums[i]+nums[j] === target) return [i,j] } } // 方法 II // 運用 Map // Runtime: 80 ms, faster than 79.38% of JavaScript online submissions for Two Sum. // Memory Usage: 38.6 MB, less than 84.01% of JavaScript online submissions for Two Sum. let map = {} for(let i=0; i<nums.length; i++){ // 將 target 相減後的值當作搜尋的 key let j = target - nums[i] // 如果 map 中不存在的話,那就在 map 中留下 nums[i] 為 key // value 為當下的 index if(map[j] === undefined){ map[nums[i]] = i }else{ return [map[j],i] // 如果有符合的,就吐回當下的 i 和保存在 map[j] 的 value } } |
167. Two Sum II – Input array is sorted
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// 方法 I. 用 map 的方法,以 target-numbers[i] 當作搜尋用的 key // 當 map 中沒有對應值,那就留下 numbers[i] 為 key ,其 value 為 i + 1 // 因為是照順序排列的 array ,所以當找到值時,就回傳先前存在 [ map 中的值, i+1 ] // Runtime: 68 ms, faster than 98.91% of JavaScript online submissions for Two Sum II - Input array is sorted. // Memory Usage: 39 MB, less than 50.15% of JavaScript online submissions for Two Sum II - Input array is sorted. let map = {} for(let i=0; i<numbers.length; i++){ let j = target-numbers[i] if(map[j] === undefined){ map[numbers[i]] = i + 1 }else{ return [map[j],i+1] } } // 方法 II. 用 two pointer 的方法 // 若左右相加不等於 target,相加的和若太大,那就右邊指針往左移;若太小,就左邊指針右移 // 最後回傳 [left + 1, right + 1] // Runtime: 72 ms, faster than 96.60% of JavaScript online submissions for Two Sum II - Input array is sorted. // Memory Usage: 38.8 MB, less than 66.50% of JavaScript online submissions for Two Sum II - Input array is sorted. let left = 0 let right = numbers.length-1 while(numbers[left]+numbers[right] !== target){ if(numbers[left]+numbers[right]<target){ left += 1 }else{ right -= 1 } } return [left+1,right+1] |